Alcatel Bts Installation And Commissioning Pdf
Alcatel Bts Installation And Commissioning Pdf

Alcatel Bts Installation And Commissioning Pdf

Wait for the BTS to download all the files ,During the SW.Select 0CPF File from the BTS SW folder.Select Master File from the BTS SW folder.Press the folder icon to start choosing the BTS Files.Go to Configuration Click On BTS Software Download.Switch the BTS off by pushing down its DC C/BS.RED On Fatal alarm on BTS Module (ANC,TRE etc. O&M Yellow On SUMA master file & configuration are present in theīlinking In a transient state, SUMA is loading the BTS MSF & OML Yellow On BTS is supervised and connected to the BSCīlinking BTS & BSC link is being establishedĪBIS Yellow On Abis 1 is connected and can serve TCH/Signaling Master file Download, configuration files etc. Information) between BSC & BTS such as Alarm reporting ,BTS

Alcatel Bts Installation And Commissioning Pdf

31 : is assigned to the OMU in the SUMA card for signaling (Control.0 to 30 are assigned to the TRES for normal traffic(voice and Data.Transmission functions by connecting the BTS to the BSC through the.Internal Power Supply control & clock generation and distribution The O&M Functions such as Alarms reporting ,BTS Configuration,.

Alcatel Bts Installation And Commissioning Pdf

The Station unit module is the core of the BTS ,it is responsible for The BTS commissioning & SW files are stored on the station unit module

Alcatel Bts Installation And Commissioning Pdf